Wattpad Review: Cinderella and The Boss – Despersa


Writer: @Despersa
Genre: Young adult, romance comedy
Language: Indonesian
Platform: Wattpad


Anzela Cinderella Putri

Menurut dongeng, meski awalnya apes, Cinderella akan mendapatkan keberuntungan dan kebahagiaannya bersama pangeran tampan nan baik. Tapi boro-boro beruntung, yang ada malah buntung! Entah kebetulan atau takdir, bukan pangeran yang dia temui, tapi sosok lelaki yang galak. Untung cakep, jadi Zela bisa legowo.

Revano Altadi Mahendra

Menurut dongeng, Cinderella itu orangnya cantik, kalem dan berbudi luhur. Cantik? Iya sih. Tapi boro-boro kalem dan berbudi luhur, makan aja sebakul, mana genit pula, dikit-dikit mepet, dikit-dikit senggol. Kalau Revano khilaf gimana? Bunting anak orang!

Perhatian: Membaca ini dapat menyebabkan perut sakit, guling-guling ga jelas, mata berair, baper berlebihan, cengengesan tiba-tiba, dan seluruh kemungkinan yang dapat terjadi akibat terlalu sering tertawa.

My Thoughts:

Cinderella and The Boss has been in my wattpad library for quite a long time, but I’ve just started reading this last night because of curiosity.

Cinderella and The Boss was a story of a woman named Azela, who was a primadonna in her office. Just like her beautiful name, she was surely had a good look it made all the males in her office fall on their knees. She looked calm and nice, but could be aggressive when she is attracted to a man. On the other hand, there was Revano who irritated by her aggressive behavior and silly actions. Zela didn’t only have to face Revano’s coldness to get him, but also fight her rivals who had an interest in him, as well as her obsessive admirer, Erik.

The taste of this story is almost similar to Resign, which had amusing scenes in the story plot. However, unlike Resign, the funny moments were very outstanding in the main characters’ self dialogue. Another thing that should be appreciated in Cinderella and The Bos was the author’s skill in picturing the characters. She presented the weaknesses of the characters, instead of creating the very perfect ones. They were showed through the characters’ interactions and their inner conflicts.

This story is still on going, so let’s see and enjoy the next chapters


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