Leaving Ubud

At the day we left Junjungan, we came again to Kakiang. We ordered strawberry cheese cake and puding cake.

20160228_122354The taste of their cakes were great, it was less sweet than the cakes I had before. Anyway, if you are using Grab car, I suggest you not to leave Ubud at evening because the cars are avaialble when accidentally they drop the guest(s) there. They don’t stay there.

After we back to Legian, we went to Discovery Mall first because there’s a beach behind it. On the way, I realized that it was near Waterboom Bali. I only visited it once when I was 14, I guess. I really want to go there again. Ok, back to the topic. The beach behind Discovery Mall was actually beautiful, but it was dirty. There were trashes everywhere. We even found a bird corpse. When I first saw it, the beach was like Wediombo beach in Jogja. Yeah, it was quite similar, but this beach has dark sand.


The plan of spending the time there should be cancelled, so we moved to Double Six beach. It was my favorite beach here. I went there on June 2015. The beach was clean. I and Melisa even got into the water to have fun. It also has a stunning view of sunset.

20150713_175335I had a plan to have similar moment but I couldn’t. First, it was crowded. I maybe found some cars last time, but I think they’d already reproduced recently. The way to Double Six beach was narrow and it also used for parking lot. Think about when there are moving cars from opposite directions, unless you have a flying car which is like in Harry Potter you pass without bothering others. It made us hardly find a spot to park our motorbike. Second, the beach was getting dirty, too. There are bunch of trashes at the shore and animal waste. Oh God! It was only 7 months and when I came back here the beach became like this? The only thing that made me wanted to stay was the view, at least I enjoyed it.



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