Category: traveling

  • National Library of Indonesia

    Credit: @hartohu   The first time I visited National LIbrary in Jakarta was around a month ago, when I was attending Bookish Indonesia workshop. When you are entering the first lobby of this library, you will be greeted by the miniature of a ship, called Perahu Aksara. Beside this object, you will see a brief…

  • New Malioboro

    Welcome to New Malioboro. When I was in Bali on February – March I heard about the news of the parking lot relocation in Malioboro. I personally fully support this decision because it was the sidewalk they used to be motorcycle parking spot. I, as a pedestarian, couldn’t walk freely and comfortably when there are…

  • Silly things happen when competing with boarding time

    Pernah ngerasain kejar kejaran dengan waktu keberangkatan? Apapun itu, kereta, bis, pesawat? Pertama kali aku mengalami itu saat aku akan pulang ke Jogja dari Jakarta. Mungkin waktu itu bulan November 2013. Saat itu baru sekitar sebulan aku bisa berjalan dengan sedikit normal tanpa kruk paska patah kaki. Waktu itu aku telat bangun, sedangkan pesawat berangkat…

  • Dari IPB sampaaaiii Pasar Senen.

    Jauh banget ya sampe ke Pasar Senen? Ahhaha.. Ini cuma sedikit cerita pengalamanku hari ini di Bogor – Jakarta (lagi: Setelah baru aja balik ke Jogja, hari Selasa minggu ini, hari Kamis harus ke Bogor lagi karna ada psikotes. So, here I am again.) Pagi ini aku dan Asma pergi ke IPB untuk menghadiri Seminar…

  • Hujan, Jakarta, dan Gojek

    Jujur, dulu untuk jalan seputaran Jakarta aku maunya cuma naik mobil. Disamping mempertimbangkan keamanan, aku juga mempertimbangkan polusi udara dan keselamatan karena waktu itu pernah keserempet angkot di daerah Glodok kalo gak salah. Kalau naik mobil kan setidaknya kalau pun keserempet kan mobilnya duluan yang kena. Karena sekarang sudah ada KRL, aku jadinya berani berani…

  • Kalibiru

    Yesterday we went to Kalibiru. I really wanted to go there because I saw beautiful pictures of it in my social media. There was this photo spot which on a tree. I thought it was wide enough so it can fit 2 people. Maybe 3 or 4. But when I came there and saw it…

  • Garuda Wisnu Kencana

    Ok, I know it’s been around 2 weeks after I visit GWK. I didn’t have time to write because I was travelling to Bandung and Bogor. I went to Garuda Wisnu Kencana after Melisa told me that there were some performances there. This place is located in Jimbaran. At that day I spent my whole…

  • I thought I was gonna die

    This article won’t be written in English because 1. Remember about the true meaning in the previous article and 2. I lost my ability to think because of the recent event.   Travelling dengan pesawat udara tentu sudah menjadi hal yang sangat biasa sekarang, bahkan ada slogan “Everyone can fly”. Aku juga sudah sangat terbiasa…

  • Leaving Ubud

    At the day we left Junjungan, we came again to Kakiang. We ordered strawberry cheese cake and puding cake. The taste of their cakes were great, it was less sweet than the cakes I had before. Anyway, if you are using Grab car, I suggest you not to leave Ubud at evening because the cars…

  • One Night Stand in Ubud

    Last Satruday, I and Melisa went to Ubud. Actually, she must went to work but she (forcefully) took her day off. We went there by Grab taxi. I suggest you to be careful if you using this application, especially determining your pick up and drop off point. That time, I chose Mercure Bali Legian as…